Monday, August 6, 2007

Baby Melius

So two months before little Ethan was scheduled to arrive, Julie set a date for me to take some maternity shots...well the appointment was scheduled and I was all excited to go and take pictures of my good friends pregnant belly when all the sudden, just a few days before the shoot, I get a call from Julie saying "Ethan's here!" Yup, Ethan was almost a month early! Healthy and happy, baby and Mommy got to come home just 2 day's after he was born!

We kept the appointment we had scheduled, however instead of photographing baby Ethan from inside of his mommas belly, I got to take pictures of the real thing! :)
Here are a few pictures from that shoot.

1 comment:

Amanda Suanne said...

ahh I love the feet picture! That is awesome! Great Job!